Gotutions’ Bottom up Approch
Teachers at GoTutions are known for their bottom up approach. The classes are more like discussions, deliberations and brainstorming to understand a topic. This helps in not only clear understanding of the concepts but it also plugs the gap of a child’s understanding of the concepts missed in her previous standards.
Gotutions clearly discourages rote learning. In gotutions’ bottom up approach, students steer the classes according to their understanding of the concepts and the teachers deliver as per the requirement of the students. This approach on one hand ensures the thorough understanding of the concepts and on other hand helps to develop interest of the student in the subject.
Such teaching style is also accompanied with real life examples and questions. The regular assignments, assessments let the students practice all the learned concepts and master them. This helps in identifying the weak areas and consolidating the conceptual understanding.
This bottom up approach is tested, verified and is the real strength behind gotutions’ success.