
Self help with Frequently Asked Questions If still have doubt ? Call +65 97370786 or email us :)

How do I register for a tuition teacher ?

You may register for a tuition teacher by filling a simple form here. or alternatively you can connect directly on call or what's at +65 - 97370786

What are the types of tutors available ?

We have part time or full time tutors available. We schedule batch or one to one tutoring based on student requirement.

Will you provide free trial session ?

Yes, we provide 30 mins free trial session. There is no charge for these trial sessions. If you decide to continue then teacher will be appointed based on time and batch schedule.

What if tutor is not suitable ?

In case the first selected tutor is not suitable then we will provide intermediate change of tutor without any extra cost. We ensure that our all students are satisfied and learn.

What payment modes are available?

Multiple online payment options are available based for easy payment initiation

  • Pay Now
  • PayLah
  • Online bank transfer

What if I need to reschedule my session ?

You will be required to contact tutor and make a pre-arrangement for any reschedule session.

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